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Read online book The Meals to Heal Cookbook : 150 Easy, Nutritionally Balanced Recipes to Nourish You During Your Fight with Cancer by Susan Bratton PDF, MOBI, EPUB


From the founder and the chief operating officer of Meals to Heal (a company that provides vetted nutritional information and prepared meals delivery to cancer patients and their families): 150 nutritionally balanced recipes created with an eye toward the special needs of cancer patients (e.g. mouth sores, nausea, and difficulty swallowing) who often suffer from malnutrition., Malnutrition is the #2 secondary diagnosis in cancer patients, and up to 80 percent of all cancer patients experience nutritional issues during treatment. "The Meals to Heal Cookbook" shares healthy, easy to prepare recipes that not only taste delicious but also mitigate the many side effects of cancer treatment. Recipes are organized by meal as well as by side effect, allowing you to easily find meals suited to your particular health needs. With authoritative sections on a wide variety of common health and nutrition topics, such as healthy non-meat alternatives, and controversial topics, such as juicing and soy, "The Meals to Heal Cookbook" is a go-to resource addressing all of the major food, cooking, and nutrition questions asked by patients and caregivers in a straightforward, accessible, and supportive manner., Malnutrition is the secondary diagnosis in cancer patients, and up to 80 percent of all cancer patients experience nutritional issues during treatment. "The Meals to Heal Cookbook" shares healthy, easy to prepare recipes that not only taste delicious but also mitigate the many side effects of cancer treatment. Recipes are organized by meal as well as by side effect, allowing you to easily find meals suited to your particular health needs. With authoritative sections on a wide variety of common health and nutrition topics, such as healthy non-meat alternatives, and controversial topics, such as juicing and soy, "The Meals to Heal Cookbook" is a go-to resource addressing all of the major food, cooking, and nutrition questions asked by patients and caregivers in a straightforward, accessible, and supportive manner., Nutrition is a vital component of anyone's fight against cancer, but loss of appetite and side effects of treatment can make even the simple act of eating a challenge. Written to meet the unique needs of cancer patients and caregivers, The Meals to Heal Cookbook offers 150 recipes to make eating less stressful, more convenient, and simply more enjoyable. Created by oncology-credentialed registered dietitians, these delicious, nourishing, easy-to-prepare dishes are full of the nutrients you need to maintain strength during treatment. Loaded with essential nutrition info and recipes coded by common symptoms and side effects (including fatigue, nausea, digestive issues, mouth sores, taste and smell aversion, and others).

Read ebook Susan Bratton - The Meals to Heal Cookbook : 150 Easy, Nutritionally Balanced Recipes to Nourish You During Your Fight with Cancer in MOBI

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